Audit Manager web service API

Base URL -

The Audit Manager web service allows services to create, and users to read PASTA audit records (also known as "audit log entries").

An auditRecord XML element will always consist of these required sub-elements:

Other optional elements are of the following:

Note that 'oid' and 'entryTime' values are automatically generated by the Audit Manager when new audit entries are created. Thus, although they are technically optional elements, they will always be present in audit records that are read from PASTA.

Request Summary

HTTP Verb : Relative URLBrief description
POSTCreate Audit Record operation, creates a new logged entry in the Audit Manager's logging database.
GET : report/{oid}Get Audit Record operation, retrieves a single audit record based on the audit identifier value specified in the path.
GET : reportGet Audit Report operation, gets a list of zero or more audit records matching the query parameters as specified in the request.
GET : csvreportGet Audit CSVReport operation, gets a list of zero or more audit records matching the query parameters as specified in the request and streams back a comma separated values result set.
GET : countGet Audit Count operation, returns the count of audit log records from the audit table (named "eventlog") matching the provided criteria.
GET : recent-uploadsGet Recent Uploads operation, gets a list of zero or more audit records of either recently inserted or recently updated data packages, as specified in the request.
GET : reads/{scope}/{identifier}Get DocId Reads operation, returns an XML-formatted list that summarizes all the successful reads (total reads and non-robot reads) for all the resources of a given PASTA document ID, where a document ID is of the format "scope.
GET : reads/{scope}/{identifier}/{revision}Get PackageId Reads operation, returns an XML-formatted list that summarizes all the successful reads (total reads and non-robot reads) for all the resources of a given PASTA package ID, where a package ID is of the format "scope.

Request Detail


Create Audit Record operation, creates a new logged entry in the Audit Manager's logging database.

Request entity:

The request entity should be an XML document (MIME type application/xml) that is described below.

       <serviceMethod>service method</serviceMethod>
       <responseStatus>HTTP response status code</responseStatus>
       <resourceId>resource identifier</resourceId>
       <user>user distinguished name</user>
       <userAgent>userAgent field of the web service request</userAgent>
       <groups>groups list</groups>
       <authSystem>authentication system</authSystem>
       <entryTextt>auxiliary info text</entryText>

The category and service elements are mandatory.

Example auditRecord XML document:
           <userAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36</userAgent>
           <entryText>No entity resources found for scope abc</entryText>


Status Reason Entity MIME type
201 Created If the request to create an audit entry was successful. None, but the Location header will contain a URL that references the new subscription. N/A
400 Bad Request If the request entity contains an error, such as improperly formatted XML. An error message. text/plain
401 Unauthorized If the requesting user is not authorized to create log entries. An error message. text/plain
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. For example, a SQL error occurred, or an unexpected condition was encountered. An error message text/plain

GET : report/{oid}

Get Audit Record operation, retrieves a single audit record based on the audit identifier value specified in the path.


Message Body MIME type Sample Request
None curl -i -X GET "


If the request is successful, the response will contain xml.

Status Reason Entity MIME type
200 OK If the request was successful. The specified subscription's attributes. application/xml
400 Bad Request If the specified identification number cannot be parsed as an integer. An error message. text/plain
401 Unauthorized If the requesting user is not authorized to read the specified subscription. An error message. text/plain
404 Not Found If the requested log entry does not exist. An error message. text/plain

GET : report

Get Audit Report operation, gets a list of zero or more audit records matching the query parameters as specified in the request.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Value Constraints
category debug, info, error, warn
service Any of the PASTA services.
serviceMethod Any of the PASTA service Resource class JAX-RS methods.
user Any user.
group Any group.
authSystem A valid auth system identifier.
status A valid HTTP Response Code.
resourceId A PASTA resource identifier, e.g., or a substring thereof (see below)
fromTime An ISO8601 timestamp
toTime An ISO8601 timestamp
limit A positive whole number

The query parameters fromTime and optionally toTime should be used to indicate a time span. When toTime is absent, the report will consist of all matching records up to the current time. Either of these parameters may only be used once.
The query parameter limit sets an upper limit on the number of audit records returned. For example, "limit=1000".
The query parameter resourceId will match any audit log entry whose resourceId value contains the specified string value. Thus, a query parameter of "resourceId=knb-lter-and" will match any audit log entry whose resourceId value contains the substring "knb-lter-and", while a query parameter of "resourceId=knb-lter-and/2719/6" will match any audit log entry whose resourceId value contains the substring "knb-lter-and/2719/6".


If the request is successful, the response will contain XML text.

Status Reason Entity MIME type
200 OK If the request was successful. The specified subscription's attributes. application/xml
400 Bad Request If the specified identification number cannot be parsed as an integer. An error message. text/plain
401 Unauthorized If the requesting user is not authorized to read the specified subscription. An error message. text/plain

GET : csvreport

Get Audit CSVReport operation, gets a list of zero or more audit records matching the query parameters as specified in the request and streams back a comma separated values result set.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Value Constraints
category debug, info, error, warn
service Any of the PASTA services.
serviceMethod Any of the PASTA service Resource class JAX-RS methods.
user Any user.
group Any group.
authSystem A valid auth system identifier.
status A valid HTTP Response Code.
resourceId A PASTA resource identifier, e.g., or a substring thereof (see below)
fromTime An ISO8601 timestamp
toTime An ISO8601 timestamp
limit A positive whole number

The query parameters fromTime and optionally toTime should be used to indicate a time span. When toTime is absent, the report will consist of all matching records up to the current time. Either of these parameters may only be used once.
The query parameter limit sets an upper limit on the number of audit records returned. For example, "limit=1000".
The query parameter resourceId will match any audit log entry whose resourceId value contains the specified string value. Thus, a query parameter of "resourceId=knb-lter-and" will match any audit log entry whose resourceId value contains the substring "knb-lter-and", while a query parameter of "resourceId=knb-lter-and/2719/6" will match any audit log entry whose resourceId value contains the substring "knb-lter-and/2719/6".


If the request is successful, the response will contain applications/csv text.

Status Reason Entity MIME type
200 OK If the request was successful. The specified query's result set in CSV format. text/csv
400 Bad Request If the specified identification number cannot be parsed as an integer. An error message. text/plain
401 Unauthorized If the requesting user is not authorized to read the specified subscription. An error message. text/plain

GET : count

Get Audit Count operation, returns the count of audit log records from the audit table (named "eventlog") matching the provided criteria.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Value Constraints
category debug, info, error, warn
service Any of the PASTA services.
serviceMethod Any of the PASTA service Resource class JAX-RS methods.
user Any user.
group Any group.
authSystem A valid auth system identifier.
status A valid HTTP Response Code.
resourceId A PASTA resource identifier, e.g., or a substring thereof (see below)
fromTime An ISO8601 timestamp
toTime An ISO8601 timestamp
limit A positive whole number

The query parameters fromTime and optionally toTime should be used to indicate a time span. When toTime is absent, the count will include of all matching records up to the current time. Either of these parameters may only be used once.
The query parameter limit sets an upper limit on the number of audit records returned. For example, "limit=1000".
The query parameter resourceId will match any audit log entry whose resourceId value contains the specified string value. Thus, a query parameter of "resourceId=knb-lter-and" will match any audit log entry whose resourceId value contains the substring "knb-lter-and", while a query parameter of "resourceId=knb-lter-and/2719/6" will match any audit log entry whose resourceId value contains the substring "knb-lter-and/2719/6".


Message Body MIME type Sample Request
None curl -i -X GET ""


If the request is successful, the response will contain text.

Status Reason Entity MIME type
200 OK If the request was successful. The count. For example, "10." text/plain
400 Bad Request If the specified identification number cannot be parsed as an integer. An error message. text/plain
401 Unauthorized If the requesting user is not authorized to read the specified subscription. An error message. text/plain

GET : recent-uploads

Get Recent Uploads operation, gets a list of zero or more audit records of either recently inserted or recently updated data packages, as specified in the request.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Value Constraints
serviceMethod Either of "createDataPackage" or "updateDataPackage"
fromTime An ISO8601 timestamp
limit A positive whole number

The query parameter serviceMethod should have the value "createDataPackage" (to retrieve recent inserts) or "updateDataPackage" (to retrieve recent updates)
The query parameter fromTime is used to specify the date/time in the past that represents the oldest audit records that should be returned. Data packages uploaded prior to that time are not considered recent uploads and are thus filtered from the query results.
The query parameter limit sets an upper limit on the number of audit records returned. For example, "limit=3".


If the request is successful, the response will contain XML text.

Status Reason Entity MIME type
200 OK If the request was successful. The specified subscription's attributes. application/xml
400 Bad Request If the specified identification number cannot be parsed as an integer. An error message. text/plain
401 Unauthorized If the requesting user is not authorized to read the specified subscription. An error message. text/plain

GET : reads/{scope}/{identifier}

Get DocId Reads operation, returns an XML-formatted list that summarizes all the successful reads (total reads and non-robot reads) for all the resources of a given PASTA document ID, where a document ID is of the format "scope.identifier" (excludes revision). Note: as of 23 November 2022, robot-based events are no longer recorded. For this reason, total reads and non-robot reads will increase at the same rate.


Status Reason Entity MIME type
200 OK If the request was successful. The XML-formatted list of resource reads for the specified scope and identifier. application/xml
400 Bad Request If the specified identifier number cannot be parsed as an integer. An error message. text/plain
401 Unauthorized If the requesting user is not authorized to retrieve this information. An error message. text/plain

If the request is successful, the response will contain XML text. For example, when scope is "edi" and identifier is "0", the XML returned might look as follows:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

GET : reads/{scope}/{identifier}/{revision}

Get PackageId Reads operation, returns an XML-formatted list that summarizes all the successful reads (total reads and non-robot reads) for all the resources of a given PASTA package ID, where a package ID is of the format "scope.identifier.revision". Note: as of 23 November 2022, robot-based events are no longer recorded. For this reason, total reads and non-robot reads will increase at the same rate.


Status Reason Entity MIME type
200 OK If the request was successful. The XML-formatted list of resource reads for the specified scope, identifier, and revision. application/xml
400 Bad Request If the specified identifier or revision value cannot be parsed as an integer. An error message. text/plain
401 Unauthorized If the requesting user is not authorized to retrieve this information. An error message. text/plain

If the request is successful, the response will contain XML text. For example, when scope is "edi" and identifier is "0" and revision is "0", the XML returned might look as follows:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>